Frequently Asked Questions

Where do you ship and where do you ship from?
We deliver anywhere in USA. Add the items to Cart and enter the zip code in the Cart page to know about the full cost of your purchase. Please note that freight cost does do not include duty fees and any further local taxes.
If you experience the alert of missing shipping fees calculation, no problem: contact us at stating products you need, town and country. A quotation will be provided as soon as possible. Most orders placed on will be shipped from Italy, except those items managed directly by Sintesi Group which are shipped from the United States.
What are payment methods on Sintesi.Design?
Sintesi.Design applies different methods of payment: you can choose your favourite one amongst PayPal, Credit Card or Bank Transfer.
Payment via PayPal is carried out via your Paypal account or debited to the bank account or credit card associated to your profile on Paypal. For payments via bank transfer, you will our bank details attaced to the order confirmation email. Please note that payments by bank transfer require 48 extra hours to be verified. The order is processed once we will be notified of the payment.
How can I place an order on
Ordering on is super fast. After adding all the items you want to the Cart page, access the checkout process via the Cart red icon: review the items you've added. If you have a discount code, add it. If you want to know the shipping costs in advance, add your ZIP code. Then click on the "Proceed to Checkout" button. You can still edit your order until the end of the purchase process.
Choose if you want to shop either as a Guest or registered user: we suggest to login as you can keep track of the status of your order anytime. To finalize the purchase, you need some data, including the shipping address and, if you want an invoice, the VAT number: make sure you have everything at hand. After specifying your details and entering the coupon, select the payment method you prefer. By clicking on the "Order now" button, your order will be completed and you will receive a confirmation email. If you have selected the bank transfer method, you will be sent an email with bank details (if you do not immediately receive our email, check also the Spam / Promotions folder of your mailbox). The order is processed once the payment has been notified to Sintesidesign.

Order Cancellation
How can I cancel the order?
Once you have completed your order, it will no longer be possible to change it: for this reason we suggest to carefully review the quantities and finish of the items you wish to purchase. If you wish to cancel your order or part of it, write to .
If the order has already been confirmed by the system, you have 3 days to proceed with the cancellation request. If it occurs later, you will be charged 20% of the order value to be canceled. The cancellation cannot take place in any case if the order has already been shipped: in that case you will have to activate the return procedure.

Lead time and shipping
What are the lead times on
Lead times depend on the item, finish and manufacturer. Many items are being put into production specifically for your order, therefore timing to have the product ready will be determined by the producer itself: this is why timing is not stated on the product page. Once we have received your order and payment, we check lead time and share it with you. If your purchase is in stock, the order is shipped within 48 hours. Most items are not on stock and they are shipped between 3 and 6 weeks or, in rare cases, after a longer time.
A further email with the shipping details and tracking code is sent once the goods leave our warehouse for delivery.
How much does the shipping cost?
The cost of shipping varies according to the volume of the order, country and location. Shipping costs are provided for all purchases on except products with the wording "Free Shipping"
The amount will however always be communicated to you before finalizing the order. If you are in doubt, do not hesitate to write to
Please note that shipping cost does not include custom duties or any local taxes.
Who is in charge of shipping my purchase?
The delivery of your order will be made through the best couriers available on the market: as soon as your order is assigned to them, you can use their tracking number to follow your shipping.


Do you deliver to the upper floors?
Standard delivery is to street level: we deliver by air, by sea and by land. If you live in a hardly accessible area, please let us know before placing your order.
Delivery to upper floors is available but it must be agreed before finalizing the order. For this reason, we invite you to contact us at specifying items quantity, floor and elevator dimensions, if any. Such non-standard delivery service has an extra cost. If you have doubts or questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
How is my order delivered?
Via tracking code you will always know the status of your shipping.
If you are not at home, generally the courier leaves a notice and comes back the next day: If customer is not reachable once again, shipped items remain in storage until further notice. After that, items are returned and storage costs are charged to the end customer.
What should I do once I receive the order?
Once you have collected your purchase from the courier, the customer must check either that everything is intact and well packed and that number of boxes matches what written on the delivery note. Shipping damage or mismatches must be verified, reported on the delivery note and sent to SintesiDesign. Remember: you have 14 days to report any discrepancies and make a complaint. After this deadline, we will not be able to respond.

What if the shipping is damaged?
In case of relevant and visible damages, you have the right to refuse the goods, indicating the reason for non-collection on the delivery receipt. Remember to notify us within three days by writing to We will contact you to fix the date of collection, replacement or refund with you. The customer agrees to return items via courier: items must be packaged carefully and possibly in the original packaging. Cost of return shall be borne by Sintesidesign
If the packaging is slightly damaged, you can accept the goods and check the integrity of the products once unboxed. If even the goods inside are not in perfect condition, send us some images within 3 days. SintesiDesign undertakes to make a second shipment to the customer, or proceed with a refund, once the purchase has returned. For the return, use the same protective cardboard box in which you received your order. If this is not possible, use an equally safe protective box. Cost of return shall be borne by Sintesidesign Remember: Returns and refunds do not apply to custom-made furniture or items, such as some upholstery, that are available from manufacturer in several finish/color options.
What do I do if I don't like my purchase?
The law protects online purchasers: you have 14 days to write to and express your will to withdraw and return a purchase that you do not like. For returns, use the same protective cardboard box in which you received your order. If this is not possible, use an equally safe protective box. Cost of return for wrong purchase shall be borne by the client. Remember: Returns and refunds do not apply to bespoke furniture or furniture items, such as some upholstery, that are available from manufacturer in several finish/color options.
How is the refund processed?
Reimbursement concerns the value of the purchased goods: shipping costs will not be reimbursed. Reimbursement will be processed via the payment method you used to place the orders. Reimbursements do not apply to custom furniture or furniture items available from the manufacturer is a significant amount of options.

Safety and trust
What is the warranty on the purchase?
Purchased items are covered by all-risk insurance during the whole shipping. Items purchased on benefit from the standard 12-month warranty provided by producers plus a coverage up to 24 months for defects, as required by Italian Legislative Decree 206/05. Product warranty is valid only if customer presents the invoice. If the customer is not satisfied with the purchase on, he/she has the right to return the order and ask for product value refund. Please note returns and refunds do not apply to custom-made or clearly personalized furnishing accessories.
Are items on sale on 100% original?
For sure they are. We are resellers of all the brands you find on our e-commerce. We work directly with manufacturing companies, designers, contractors and artisans and we can confirm that everything you buy is safe: every product is original.
Can I trust Sintesi.Design?
We guarantee the utmost seriousness and reliability, both in supporting you before purchase, in order management and returns. We also undertake to respect the estimated delivery times. Should unforeseen delays not directly dependent on us occur, you will always be promptly notified by the Customer Support team. You can contact us via phone and by e-mail from Monday to Friday according to the office hours listed on the site.

Technical Problems
We daily work to provide you with the best shopping experience on however we know that sometimes inconvenience can happen. First of all, make sure that your operating system on smartphone, desktop or tablet is up to date. If the problem persists, contact us at attaching a screenshot of the error page. Please also indicate, if possible:
- operating system
- browser
- device