How to request a refund

Returns and refunds
Only if you have purchased the item(s) as a Consumer (ie: for uses that may be considered as not-professional related), you have the right to withdraw from the contract and to return the purchased product, obtaining the refund of expenses. It is permitted to return purchased goods if they do not meet your expectations. This right is ruled by art. 4 of the Contract.

The withdrawal right is exclusively for consumers (individuals who purchase goods for purposes not related to jobs, trade or business): it cannot be exercised by a legal entity or by a person acting on behalf of his/her own business activity. The right of withdrawal is not exercisable, as expressly stated by art. 55 paragraph 1 letter c of the Italian Legislative Decree 206/05, if the customer has purchased "bespoke items or custom goods that cannot be shipped back or might fast deteriorate during the shipping." No eligible goods include any piece of furniture that the manufacturer provides in a significant amount of color options, materials, combinations and versions. Bespoke furniture is in any case eligible for refunds or returns.

Timing and Return Policy
Return must be made within 14 days from the date of receiving goods by sending an email to or by sending a registered letter with the acknowledgement of receipt sent to  Sintesi Group LLC - 32 S. Osprey Avenue, Suite #203 Sarasota, FL 34236 USA
In order to facilitate the return operations, you must indicate the order number, product name, date of ordering and receiving of the order.
Please note: since you have received the goods, you are responsible for the status of the product. Treat them with care.

Product status
The return of your purchase will be made within the next 10 days after the return notice has been sent. Products must be intact and not damaged. They must be accompanied by the original packaging: any integrative elements (ie: accessories, supplementary components, etc.) and must not have signs of wear that imply the use of the good beyond standard trial.

Packing status
Products to be returned must be placed in the original box, complete with labels and any other parts that compose the packaging itself. Please note: packing is also considered part of the purchase. You can reuse the box you received to make the return. You are required to send pictures of packed items via email and we will reach out to authorize and arrange the return.

Refunds will be made as soon as your purchase has arrived to our warehouses and the products are verified. Refunds will be fulfilled using the same payment method you used for the initial transaction, unless you have chosen cash on delivery as the payment method. In such case, it is your responsibility to contact Sintesi Group LLC. and provide a method for reimbursement. In any case, the refund will be issued in the same currency as the original purchase. Any amount differences due to exchange rate fluctuations may not be reimbursed.